Saturday, March 12, 2011
Pink Saturday
It's time for Pink Saturday with Beverly @! I haven't gotten to participate for a while now... to many things going on and I just don't seem to have enough time, but I really enjoy it when I can. Beverly has ask that we share something Pink & Green in honor of St. Patrick's Day, so I thought I would share this sweet little playhouse that is just full of Pinks, and green's! Perfect for one sweet little girl!!!
What a wonderful cabinet!
This is my little granddaughter on the left and on the right is Brinley, this is her playhouse that her Daddy built for her! Brinley is one of my best friends little granddaughter!

Gosh, she has everything that a little girl could want in a playhouse!

My friend Margaret, told me that the doll on the shelf belonged to her daughter which is Brinley's mother! How nice to be able to have pieces handed down from family to have in her playhouse!

This is where Brinley's flower garden is, Margaret said it was so beautiful last year when all the flowers were all bloomed out... I need to go back when they bloom out this year and take more pictures!
Love her little chair with her name on it

Aren't they just adorable!
Sweet little table and chairs!

Even the floors are wonderful.

This is my friend Margaret holding my granddaughter!

Brinley & Amberly hope that you enjoyed the tour of Brinley's playhouse! On another note, I wanted to share a blog with you that I found today... she has wonderful pinks to share ... tammy @ so please stop by her blog... you will be glad that you did, and be sure to stop by our gracious hostess Beverly @ & please visit with the other participants! Hope you enjoyed the playhouse tour!
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THis is just too adorable Daphne!
I would have loved this as a little girl!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Pamela ox
I want a house like this!!!!
Oh how fun would it be to have a little escape like this!
"Oh Hoooooney can you build me a playhouse?"
Smiles, Dolly
A magical room!!! Love it!
Happy Pink Satyrday!
Oooh, I want one too! That is so cute! Thank you for sharing this wonderful little house. Have a great weekend! Terri
How much fun!!!! can we go back and time for a day???
Have a great weekend..and play some! hehehee..
Oh¡¡¡Es preciosa¡¡¡con esos colores tan bonitos¡¡¡Me encantaria vivir en una casita igual¡¡¡¡Felicicdades
Oh I love that little play house, I always wanted one when I was a kid, what lucky little girls and I recognize that Cabbage Patch baby too! Hugs and Have some pinky fun! Those little girls need to win my giveaway, stop by and check it out! Marilou xoxo
I wish I was a child again! I would want that playhouse! lucky girls!! thanks for sharing, and i love those little chairs and table outside too! so cute!
OMG! When I was a little girl, I would have been so excited to have a playhouse like this one. I remember trying to make one with blankets and boxes! LOL!
This is so cute. And your little granddaughter and her friend are so sweet and pretty little girls.
They are both so cute and what fun to have a beautiful place like that to play.
Oooh how adorable!... I want a little playhouse just like that!... love, love love the photo of the two sweet little girls sitting out on the porch... xoxo Julie Marie
OMG! That is one perfect little playhouse for little girls. And the girls really make it adorable. They're so sweet!
Oh, my! I really would just love to live in a big-girl version of that sweet pink & green house, Daphne! What a wonderful daddy to build that for his little princess! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos!
Hope your weekend is wonderful, my friend!
Wow! That playhouse is fabulous! I'd love to play in it myself. The girls are so adorable. They are going to grow up having fun and making great memories in that little house. Going over to check out the Tammy's blog. I already like it b/c of the name! ;)
Oh Daphne, I would love to come over and play in that beautiful doll house. What fun the girls must have spending hours out there in all that lovely pinkness.
When the little garden is planted, I bet they will enjoy rolling in the dirt too!!
Happy Pink Saturday, Char
What a fabulous playhouse! Many years will be spent playing and dreaming inside the walls of this girly confection. I simply adore the color combination ... there truly is no other quite as delicious! I can imagine the girls enjoying their teen years there also ... sleepovers, whispers, and giggles! A beautiful place to treasure childhood! :) Happy Saturday!
Ahh, Daphne! Can I come play, too!?! This is too durn cute ... the girls are adorable. What beautiful memories that precious wee one will have ...
Happy St. Paddy's Day ~
Have a wonderful weekend ~
So so cute! All kid sized. judy
Oh Daphne,
I just love the little house... I would love to live in a house just like this one. Your Granddaughter is just precious!! I cant wait to see the garden in full bloom! Hope your enjoying your weekend.
Hello Daphne!
You almost want to go back to childhood when you see this! Ahhhh so so sweet! But the most beautiful thing in it is that the first wishes, dreams and hopes will stay in the memory of that little playhouse. Its a tiny magical world, and it will follow these girls everywhere. I had a small playhouse at my Greatgrandmas too, and I hed stuff from herbs, bottles and grasses in there galore! All my little treasures. I used to pretend I was a wood fairy :) and I'd give anything to go back for even a minute now! I remember everything, and every place of those.
Thank you for reminding me of all that before bed. Lovely girlies, and cute pictures!
How pinkilicious! It is just adorable, Daphne! What little girl wouldn't love to play house or tea party in this cute little abode.
Okay, that playhouse.....cuter than MY own house. Love it. What a dream for a little girl. Guess what Daphne, I was soooo tired from posting my online tutorial & uploading a zillion pics for my post that I totally forgot to write about meeting you! And honestly, it was one of the reasons I went to Canton that day. I didn't put a picture of us becuase frankly next to Lori the twig, we looked big. I'm a freak about my picture on blogs anyway. LOL I might go back & edit the post or I'll put it in my next one, but I wanted you to know how happy I was to finally meet you. Your as sweet in person as here. Hope your feeling better friend.
Goodness!! I would love to have this little playhouse for myself!!
Think how cute it would be to turn it into a Craft Studio eventually!!
I want a house and a bedroom like that!! I loved the pink lawn chairs.
Happy PS
Deanna :D
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