It's time for another White Wednesday and I thought I would share some of my spring flowers with you.... and then get ready for snow pictures! I know everyone is a bit tired of the snow, but since I took the pictures thought I would share them, hope you don't mind seeing more snow!
I just love this bush with all of it's beautiful white flowers... I'm not a gardener so I don't even know what kind of flower this is, one thing I do know about it is that it doesn't stay bloomed out very long... but it's so beautiful when it is!!!
Everything so pretty and green!
I just love the wild flowers that grows here!
This is my unfinished cottage, and I planted these roses so that they will grow up the side of it! I know this isn't white but thought I would share all the Spring flowers that I took pictures of last year!
This cherub plague hangs on the front of my cottage!
Here's my 2 big babies! They have just taken over our back yard! I brought them home several years ago... I found them in the country someone had just dumped them off, well you know me couldn't just leave them there, brought em home and they have been my back yard babies every since! I will say my husband wasn't to pleased with me when they tore the the screens off of our windows and they also dig holes in the back yard, but he has since gotten over it, and their such wonderful watch dogs!!!
We have these beautiful cedar trees all around our place.... I think their especially beautiful with the snow all over them! This is the back yard where our 2 big babies stay!
There's our bull, trying too see what I was doing... I tried to get closer to him, but he took off running!
This is to the side of our house, and if you look close you can see our deer feeder! We love to watch the deers eating! Click picture to enlarge!
This is a view in the front of our house!
Now I want to announce the winner of our Valentine Giveaway: It's Honey! Congrats Honey I will be in touch with you! Hope you enjoyed the Spring and Winter pictures.... be sure to go by and visit with Kathleen and all the other participants for lots of inspiring Whites! I can't seem to link myself to Kathleen"s White Wednesday, I contacted her and she said she was having problems with it too.. I guess I'll keep trying
California Grievin’ and Dreamin’
3 hours ago
Yea!!! Can't believe I won your fabulous giveaway...I'm so excited! Thank you, Thank you!
Congratulations to the winner!
When I first saw the pictures, I thought "where does she live? " :D That is just to much snow for me.
Enjoy your evening.
Hi Daphne!
You mean you have a bull????
Lovely photos of your home.
Yes Sissie, we have several Bulls and quite a few cows, and we have named them all. We used to haul Bulls to the PBR~~~ Professional Bull Riders Association, and we got to do a lot of traveling, they were true athlete's, we had to make lots of stops when we were traveling for the Bulls to get their rest, I would however get rather upset when they got to eat before I did! It was a lot of fun, but I'm glad that we are staying close to home these days!
May the Green loveliness come again soon for you... I've become quite spoiled living in the AZ Desert, no Snow and I don't have to shovel Sunshine. *winks* I pray that the fierce weather everyone across the country has been enduring will subside soon... a BFF in Texas was telling me how everything has come to a standstill in her town due to unseasonal fierce weather, they couldn't even get out to work or school! So I'm Blessed to be enjoying the weather we have and the only Snow I care to see is in the beautiful photos everyone is sharing. *winks*
Dawn... The Bohemian
Hi Daphne !
Beautiful yard! How horrid someone dumping those dogs...but you are a saint taking them in!!! I'm sure they are forever greatful! Bless you for doing that.
Bulls? Cool stuff!!!
I enjoyed the tour of your yard!
Pamela xo
Hey Daphne!
It was hard discerning the back from the front yard, thats how big they both are! but wonderful photos. If anything, I was expecting cherubs to hang around somewhere :P
The bush is really beautifull. And the winter at your cottage is extremely wonderful! I say that because I love winter most! It must be so sweet to have deer and other animals come and walk around! Im envious of the wonderful place, (in a good way lol)
Congratulations to Honey!
Gracias por enseñarnos estas fotografias hermosasa¡¡¡Las dos estaciones son preciosas , pero me quedo con la primavera y sus brotes de flores¡¡¡¡Saludos
Gorgeous pictures! We don't have snow here in Australia where I live :( but definitely couldn't handle the coldness anyway!
Rhiannan xxx
You definitely have a Sweet Haven my friend!! Such a BEAUTIFUL Retreat right in your own backyard. You are so Blessed!! I hope you stop by to see my post... Shared your blog, cause I love it!! Have a 'Wonderful White Wednesday!!'
Hugs, Nene
Love the pictures what a nice spot you have!
lovely blog. :o)
the bush in question is called
*double bridal veil*
i believe. i have two enormous
ones in my own yard. :o)
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